Le Roi Lion – l’histoire de la vie

Le Roi Lion - l'histoire de la vie - Disney

Le Roi Lion – l’histoire de la vie

French Circles: Singing is an amazing way to improve your language learning.”Le Roi Lion – l’histoire de la vie” is a beautiful song that can help children to learn and remember French vocabulary. Enjoy!

Lyrics: The Lion King – the story of life

French English
Au matin de ta vie sur la planète In the morning of your life on the planet
Ébloui par le Dieu Soleil Dazzled by the Sun God
À l’infini, tu t’éveilles aux merveilles In the infinite, you wake up to the wonders
De la Terre qui t’attend et t’appelle Of the Earth that awaits you and calls you
Tu auras tant de choses à voir You will have so many things to see
Pour franchir la frontière du savoir To cross the border of knowledge
Recueillir l’héritage To collect the heritage
Qui vient du fond des âges That comes from the depths of the ages
Dans l’harmonie d’une chaîne d’amour In the harmony of a chain of love
C’est l’histoire de la vie, Le cycle éternel This is the story of life, The eternal cycle
Qu’un enfant béni, Rend immortel That a blessed child, Makes immortal
La ronde infinie, De ce cycle éternel The infinite round, Of this eternal cycle
C’est l’histoire This is the story
L’histoire de la vie The story of life
C’est l’histoire de la vie, Le cycle éternel This is the story of life, The eternal cycle
Qu’un enfant béni, Rend immortel That a blessed child, Makes immortal
La ronde infinie, De ce cycle éternel The infinite round, Of this eternal cycle
C’est l’histoire This is the story
L’histoire de la vie The story of life

Songwriters: Elton John / Tim Rice

The Story of Life lyrics © Walt Disney Music Company, 

Wonderland Music Company Inc.

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Le Roi Lion - l'histoire de la vie - Disney

The Story of Life