French Readings Level 8
Welcome to French Readings Level 8! If you are in this post it’s because you practice already our French Readings Level 1 to 7. In Readings Level 8, you are going to keep improving your listening skills. By this Level, you feel very comfortable listening to the radio, TV or any podcast in French. Enjoy these topics, listen to the videos then complete the comprehension exercise under the video. So, let’s go and choose a topic of your interest:
Readings Level 8
1. The carpenter: Le menuisier
2. The magic guitar: La guitare magique
3. How to lose weight?: Comment perdre du poids?
4. African cocoa production: La production de cacao africain
5. Copyright: Le droit d’auteur
6. Ban on wild animals in circuses: Interdiction des animaux sauvages dans les cirques
7. Free transport in Dunkirk: Les transports gratuits à Dunkerque
8. Christmas – explanation for kids : Noël – explication
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- Readings Level 1
- Readings Level 2
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- Readings Level 5
- Readings Level 6
- Readings Level 7
- Readings Level 8
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French Readings