Important Dates

Important Dates

Important Dates

Learning vocabulary related to important dates in the year can significantly enhance your French language skills in various ways.
Mastering this vocabulary enables you to articulate your thoughts and ideas more fluently in French. Therefore, practice these new words at your own pace and rhythm.

Click on the month that interests you and enjoy expanding your language knowledge!



1. New Year: Nouvel an (Test)

2. Birthday: Anniversaire (Test)


1. Valentine’s Day : La  Saint-Valentin (Reading)


1. St Patrick’s Day : La Saint-Patrick (Reading)

2. Spring : Le printemps (Reading)

3. International day of the “francophonie” : Journée de la francophonie


1. Holy Week French Vocabulary: La Semaine Sainte (Reading)

2. Easter : Pâques



1. Summer : L’été (Reading) (Test)


1. Canada Day Vocabulary: La fête du Canada


1.Labors day

2. National Day for Truth and Reconciliation: Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation

3. Fall: l’automne


1. Thanksgiving


1. Remembrance day: 


1. Christmas : Joyeux Noël (Test)

2. The stages of life : Les étapes de la vie

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Important Dates