Le corps – The body

Le corps - The body - BODY

Le corps – The body

Learn and practice about: Le corps – The body is composed of various parts that vary greatly from one person to another. People have different types and color of eyes, hair and skin and to be able to describe them accurately, you have to know the correct words in French.

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Vocabulary : The body

French English
la tête  the head
les cheveux the hair
le nez the nose
les oreilles the ears
les yeux the eyes
la bouche the mouth
les dents the teeth
la langue the tongue
les joues the cheeks
les sourcils the eyebrows
le bras the arm
le cou the neck
le coude the elbow
la cheville the ankle
la gorge the throat
l’épaule the shoulder
la main the hand
le poignet the wrist
la poitrine the chest
le ventre the belly
le genou the knee
le pied the foot
l’orteil the toe
l’ongle the nail

The body – Flashcards

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The body – Flashcards

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Le corps - The body
