French Grammar Level 5

French Grammar Level 5

French Grammar Level 5

Welcome to French Grammar Level 5! If you are in this post it’s because you are in an intermediate French level and would like to keep growing your French skills.

In Grammar Lvl 5, you are going to keep improving your French grammar, and play with the structure of the French sentences.
Enjoy these topics, and listen to the videos as well:


Grammar Level 5

1. Differences between oral and written: Différences entre l’oral et l’écrit
2. The direct object complement (COD): Le complément d’objet direct (COD)
3. The additional indirect object (COI): Le complément d’objet indirect (COI)
4. Another 20 irregular French past participles: 20 autres participes français irréguliers
5.  Present Participle:
a) Definition: Participe Présent
b ) Only verbs: Le  participe présent (verbes)
c) Practice 1: Participe Présent 1 (pratique)
6. Adverbs (part 2): Les adverbes (partie 2)
                      a) Adverbs of affirmation: Les adverbes d’affirmation
                      b) Adverbs of doubt: Les adverbes de doute
                      c) Adverbs of negation: Les adverbes de négation
7. Frequent mistakes in French: Erreurs fréquentes en français

More French grammar? Practice here:

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French Grammar Level 5