Present Participle Practice 1

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Present Participle Practice 1

Present Participle Practice 1

Present Participle Practice 1 will help you to practice le participe présent in French. The French present participle is the verb form that ends in -ant. It is far less common than its English counterpart, which ends in -ing. The French present participle may be an adjective, gerund, noun, or verb.


Here are some Present participle:

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Present Participle Practice 1


Structurally, French present participles are equivalent to “verb + ing” in English, but grammatically there are many differences between them.*Par exemple… donnant giving, choisissant choosing, vendant selling.When the present participle modifies a noun or pronoun, its action is unrelated to the action of the main verb – it modifies the nearest noun or pronoun, which may or may not be the subject of the main verb. When the present participle modfies a verb, it’s a gerund (un gérondif) and its action is related to the main verb: the performer of the two actions is the same. This usage has three possible meanings. While the present participle and gerund look identical, the gerund is almost always indicated by the preposition en, and the meaning is different. Estructuralmente, los participios presentes franceses son equivalentes a “verb + ing” en inglés, pero gramaticalmente hay muchas diferencias entre ellos. * Par exemple … donnant give, choisissant eligiendo, venddant selling. no está relacionado con la acción del verbo principal; modifica el sustantivo o pronombre más cercano, que puede ser o no el sujeto del verbo principal. Cuando el participio presente modifica un verbo, es un gerundio (un gérondif) y su acción está relacionada con el verbo principal: el ejecutante de las dos acciones es el mismo. Este uso tiene tres posibles significados. Si bien el participio presente y el gerundio parecen idénticos, el gerundio casi siempre se indica con la preposición en, y el significado es diferente.
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