French Conversations Level 4

French Conversations Level 4

French Conversations Level 4

Welcome to French Conversations Level 4! If you are in this post it is because you feel very comfortable having a French Conversations and you want to improve more your conversational skills.

In Conversations Level 4, you are going to practice more dialogues and feeling more confident talking in French. Specially using different tenses in present, future and past tense. Enjoy these conversations, watch the video and practice them as many times as you need. Learn and practice Conversations level 4, by clicking in the topic of your interest:

Conversations Level 4

1. My birthday: Mon anniversaire
2. I work at UNIROPE: Je travaille a UNIROPE
3. My new car: Ma nouvelle voiture
4. The lost object: L’objet perdu
5. Martine is going to learn how to read: Martine va apprendre à lire
6. Back from holidays: Retour de vacances
7. The chef: Le cuisinier
8. Small talk-let’s go to the market: Petite conversation-Allons au marché

Explore More French Conversation Levels: Click on the level of your interest:

  1. Conversation Level 1 
  2. Conversation Level 2
  3. Conversation Level 3
  4. Conversation Level 4
  5. Conversation Level 5

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French Conversations Level 4