French Vocabulary

French Circles Vocabulary

French Vocabulary

Vocabulary is central to learn a new language because without sufficient vocabulary we cannot understand others or express our own ideas. French vocabulary can be challenging,but we can help you to expand your vocabulary in different ways. In this post we offer you different topics, with games and audios just to practice French vocabulary at your own pace and rhythm.  Learn and practice French Vocabulary by clicking in the image that interest you the most.

Vocabulary level 1 Click here Vocabulary level 2 Click here
Vocabulary level 3 Click here Vocabulary level 4 Click here
Vocabulary level 5 Click here Important Dates Click here
French Expressions Click here Games Vocabulary Click here

Basic French Vocabulary Level 0

The alphabet and the vowels

1. The Alphabet: L’alphabet
2. Maternelle – Preparation for reading: Maternelle-Préparation à la lecture
3. The vowels: Les voyelles

My First French Words

1. My First French Words with  the vowel A (Test)
2. My First French Words with the vowel E (Test)
3. My First French Words with the vowel I (Test)
4. My First French Words with the vowel O (Test)
5. My First French Words with the vowel U (Test)
6. My First French Words with B (Test)
7. My First French Words with C (Test)
8. My First French Words with Ç (Test)
9. My First French Words with Ch 

French Vocabulary Level 1

1. Greetings: Se saluer (Test)
2. Questions words: Les Questions (Test)
3. The family: La Famille (Test)
4. Professions: Les professions (Test)
5. The days: Les Jours (Test)
6. The months: Les Mois (Test)
7. The numbers: Les numéros (Test)
8. The countries: Les Pays (Test)
9. Places to go: Les endroits (Test) (Translation)
10. The seasons: Les saisons (Test)
11. The weather: Le temps (Test) (Translation)


French Vocabulary Level 2

1. The colors: Les Couleurs (Test)
2. The food: La nourriture (Test)
3. Drinks: Les boissons(Test) (Translation)
4. The sports: Les sports (Test)
5. The animals: Les animaux (Test)
6. The body: Le corps (Test)
7. House rooms: Les pièces de la maison (Test) (Translation)
8. The kitchen: La cuisine (Test) (Translation)
9. The bedroom: La chambre (Test) (Translation)
10. The living room: Le salon (Test)

Grammar Vocabulary

1. Reflexive verbs: Verbes pronominaux (Test)
2. Expressions with to have: Expressions françaises avec Avoir (Test)
3. Expressions with to be: Expressions françaises avec Être
4. Personal Questions: Questions Personnelles (Test)

French Vocabulary Level 3

1. The hours: Les heures (Test)
2. The Hobbies: Les loisirs (Test)
3. Transportation: Les transports (Test)
4. Car trips: Voyages en voiture (Test)
5. Air travel: Voyages en avion (Test)
6. Utensils and cutlery: Ustensiles et couverts (Test)
7. Positive and negative emotions: Les émotions positives et négatives (Test)

Grammar Vocabulary

1. 7 verbs for traveling by plane: 7 verbes pour voyager en avion (Test)
2. Expressions with to go: Expressions françaises avec Aller 
3. Expressions with to do: Expressions françaises avec Faire 


French Vocabulary Level 4

1. Clothes – Les vetements :
                                    a) Hauts de vêtements
                                    b) Bas de vêtements

2. Jewelry: Les bijoux
3. Cosmetics: Les produits de beauté
4. Furnishings: Les meubles
5. Ordinal numbers: Les nombres ordinaux
6. Entertainment venues: Lieux de divertissement
7. Compound names: Les noms composés
8. Compound names (part 2): Les noms composés (partie 2)
9. Compound names (part 3): Les noms composés (partie 3)  

French Vocabulary Level 5

1. Computer vocabulary: Le vocabulaire de l’informatique (Test)
2. 15 computer related verbs: 15 verbes liés à l’informatique (Test)
3. The space: L’espace (Test)
4. The land: La terre (Test)
5. The water: L’eau (Test)
6. Professional life : La vie professionnelle (Test) (Translation)

Important Dates

1. Happy New Year: Bonne Année (Test)
2. Christmas: Joyeux Noël (Test)
3. Summer: L’été (Test)
4. Birthday: Anniversaire (Test)
5. The stages of life: Les étapes de la vie 
6. Thanksgiving: Action de grâce 
7. Easter: Vocabulaire français de Pâques  
8. Spring: Le printemps 
9. Holy Week French Vocabulary: Semaine Sainte 
10. Canada Day Vocabulary: La fête du Canada

French Expressions

1. Expressions with two words: Expressions avec deux mots
2. Expressions with three words: Expressions avec trois mots
3. Expressions with the verb to have: Expressions avec Avoir (Test)
4. Different Proverbs: Proverbes
5. 3 amazing Proverbs: Trois Proverbes français
6. Expressions with be: Expressions avec être
7. Expressions with Have and be: Expressions avec Avoir et Être
8. Expressions with to do: Expressions avec faire
9. Expressions with to go: Expressions avec aller
10. 5 expressions to speak like French: 5 expressions pour parler comme un français
11. 7 French expressions to convince someone: 7 expressions Françaises pour convaincre quelqu’un

Games Vocabulary

1. Spot it Vocabulary: Spot It game 
2. Spot it Vocabulary – Basic French: Spot It Basic French game (Test)


Familles de mots

1. Fleur – Fleuriste – Fleurir
2. Lire – Lecture – Lecteur

Click on the image to explore more Level 1 vocabulary

Click on the image to explore more Level 2 vocabulary

Click on the image to explore more Level 3 vocabulary

Click on the image to explore more Level 4 vocabulary

Click on the image to explore more Level 5 vocabulary

Explore More French Vocabulary Levels: Click on the level of your interest:

  1. Vocabulary Level 1 
  2. Vocabulary Level 2
  3. Vocabulary Level 3
  4. Vocabulary Level 4
  5. Vocabulary Level 5

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How can you learn these new words better?

Research studies have shown that in most cases words have to be met 5-7 times before they are admitted to long-term memory. This is how, through reading, we learn the words of our own language. Words are also more easily learned if you are active in the process – meaning drawing a picture of the word, writing your own definition of it in English or in your mother tongue, thinking of an example sentence to use it in. This is better than simply writing the word and its native language equivalent. (adapted from The importance of vocabulary)

French Vocabulary