Hauts de vêtements

Hauts de vêtements-Clothing Top

Hauts de vêtements

In this post “Hauts de vêtements” you will learn the names of the different upper garments. The tops of clothes cover the shoulders, the back and part of the bust. They don’t go lower than the middle of the thighs. Here are some examples: le blouson, le blouson en cuir, la veste, le chandail – le pull, l’écharpe, le foulard, etc. Practice them in French!
A garment is an article of clothing used to cover a part of the human body. It is most often made of fabric but the materials used for its manufacture tend to diversify over the centuries. Here you will practice the pronunciation of this French vocabulary.

Vocabulary : Clothing tops

French English
Hauts de vêtements Upper clothing
le blouson the jacket (short)
le blouson en cuir  the leather jacket 
la veste  the jacket (long)
le chandail – le pull  the sweater
la chemise   the men’s shirt
le chemisier  the women’s shirt
l’ensemble the set
l’imperméable  the raincoat 
le manteau  the coat
le sweat the sweat suit
la robe  the dress
le tailleur the women’s suit
le costume the man’s suit 
le T-shirt  the t-shirt
Quelques accessoires Some accessories
la ceinture the belt
la cravate the tie
l’écharpe  the scarf (winter)
le foulard the scarf
les gants the gloves
les lunettes de soleil the sun glasses
le sac à main the purse

Clothing top – Flashcards

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  2. French Vocabulary Level 2
  3. French Vocabulary Level 3
  4. French Vocabulary Level 4
  5. French Vocabulary Level 5

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Hauts de vêtements-Clothing Top