Les noms composés (partie 3)

Les noms composés (partie 3) - French Vocabulary

Les noms composés (partie 3)

In this post “Les noms composés (partie 3)”, you will learn about compound nouns in French. In this part 3 you will learn about the economy, the qualities and flaws. Compound nouns consist of two or more words that are put together to form a noun. These separate words do not necessarily have to be nouns; all they have to do is communicate with a specific person, place, idea or thing. Here are some examples to help you familiarize yourself with these words: un manque à gagner, un portefeuille, un bon à rien, un casse-cou, etc. Enjoy and use this French vocabulary!

Vocabulary : Compound names part 3 

French English
L’économie Economy
un manque à gagner a loss of income
un portefeuille a wallet
un pourboire a tip
un rendez-vous an appointment
un sans-abri a homeless person
Les qualités, les défauts Qualities and flaws
le bon sens common sense
le savoir-faire know-how
le savoir-vivre good manners
L’amour-propre Self-esteem
un bon à rien a good-for-nothing
un casse-cou a daredevil
un casse-pieds a pain in the ass
un sans-cœur a heartless person

Compound names (part 3) – Flashcards

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Les noms composés - French Vocabulary

Les noms composés - French Vocabulary

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  1. French Vocabulary Level 1
  2. French Vocabulary Level 2
  3. French Vocabulary Level 3
  4. French Vocabulary Level 4
  5. French Vocabulary Level 5

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Les noms composés (partie 3) - French Vocabulary

Compound names (part 3)