Voyages en voiture

Voyages en voiture - CAR TRAVEL

Voyages en voiture

In this Post “Voyages en voiture” you will learn the vocabulary necessary to practice French when traveling by car. You will learn the words that are used in the road. Practice and repeat these new words and then try to write them as a dictation practice. French dictations are a great way to improve your listening skills and also practice your French spelling. Enjoy the practice!

Vocabulary : Car trips

French English
le conducteur, le chauffeur  driver
le mécanicien, la mécanicienne  mechanic
le passager, la passagère  passenger
le coffre  trunk
le pneu  tire
Le pneu crevé  flat tire
la pompe  pump
la roue  wheel
la roue de secours  spare tire
la dépanneuse  tow truck
la carte map
le code de la route  driving rules
la location  Rental
Faire le plein  to fill up
la station-service  gas station
l’essence  gas
la panne  Breakdown
la vitesse  Speed
l’excès de vitesse  Speeding
le permis de conduire  driver’s license
l’amende  ticket, fine
l’avertissement  warning

Car trips – Flashcards

Start reviewing the flashcards in the following Quizlet and then feel free to use the different options from Quizlet, such us match, learn, test or spell.

More French vocabulary? Practice here:

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  1. Vocabulary Level 1 
  2. Vocabulary Level 2
  3. Vocabulary Level 3
  4. Vocabulary Level 4
  5. Vocabulary Level 5

French Resources for Level 3:

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Voyages en voiture - CAR TRAVEL