French Expressions Three words

French Expressions Three words

French Expressions Three words

French Expressions Three words is a very good way to improve your French skills. By learning and practicing these French Expressions Three words, certainly you are going to gain new useful vocabulary.

French expressions: Three words

  French Pronunciation English
1 Il y a (eel ya) there is, there are
2 Quant à moi (Khan ta  mwa) As for me
3 pas du tout   (pah dü too) not at all
4 Toute la journée (toot la zhoornay) all day long, the whole day (long)
5 Beaucoup de choses (boh-koo duh shohz) many things
6 d’usage courant (dü-zazh koo-rahn) Common usage, commonly used
7 Rendre visite à (rahndr veezeet ah) To pay a visit to
8 Tout le monde (Too luh mawnd) everybody
9 De bonne heure (duh buneur) early
10 À peu prềs (A peu preh) About, nearly

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French Expressions Three words

Este es un texto que se esconde.Build your confidence up by starting with some basic words and phrases to start building your French word bank: Bonjour = Hello, Good morning, Au revoir = Goodbye, Oui = Yes, Non = No, Merci = Thank you, Merci beaucoup = Thank you very much