Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day

In this short reading you will learn about Valentine’s Day (Saint-Valentin). Valentine’s Day, celebrated on February 14, is considered in many countries as the holiday for lovers. Couples take this opportunity to exchange sweet words and gifts such as red roses, cards, chocolates, etc. Learn more in the video and happy Valentine’s Day!

Short Video

Reading – Saint Valentin

French English

Le jour de la Saint-Valentin, le 14 février, est considéré dans de nombreux pays comme la fête des amoureux.

Les couples en profitent pour s’échanger des mots doux et des cadeaux comme des roses rouges, des cartes, des chocolats, etc.

” L’amour, d’abord, ça ne se dit pas, ça se fait “

Frédéric Dard

Valentine’s Day, February 14, is considered in many countries as the holiday for lovers.

Couples take this opportunity to exchange sweet words and gifts such as red roses, cards, chocolates, etc.

“Love, first of all, is not said, it is done.

Frederic Dard

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