Il court le Furet – kids

Il court le Furet – kids

Il court le Furet

Here in this song “Il court le Furet – kids” you will learn great french vocabulary about days of the week and greetings in a funny and easy way. Enjoy the video and learn a lot of French! Good Luck!

Lyrics: Il court le Furet

French English
Il court il court le furet The ferret, it runs, it runs,
Le furet du bois, mesdames The ferret of the woods, my ladies,
Il court il court le furet The ferret, it runs, it runs,
Le furet du bois joli The ferret of the pretty woods.
Il est passé par ici It passed by here
Le furet du bois, mesdames The ferret of the woods, my ladies,
Il est passé par ici It passed by here
Le furet du bois joli The ferret of the pretty woods.
Il court il court le furet The ferret, it runs, it runs,
Le furet du bois, mesdames The ferret of the woods, my ladies,
Il court il court le furet The ferret, it runs, it runs,
Le furet du bois joli The ferret of the pretty woods.
Il repassera par là It’ll pass again over there,
Le furet du bois, mesdames The ferret of the woods, my ladies,
Devinez s’il est ici Guess if it’s here,
le furet du bois joli The ferret of the pretty woods.
Il court il court le furet The ferret, it runs, it runs,
Le furet du bois, mesdames The ferret of the woods, my ladies,
Il court il court le furet The ferret, it runs, it runs,
Le furet du bois joli The ferret of the pretty woods.
Le furet est bien caché The ferret is well hidden,
Le furet du bois, mesdames The ferret of the woods, my ladies,
Pourras-tu le retrouver? Will you be able to find it?
Le furet du bois joli. The ferret of the pretty woods.
Il court il court le furet The ferret, it runs, it runs,
Le furet du bois, mesdames The ferret of the woods, my ladies,
Il court il court le furet The ferret, it runs, it runs,
Le furet du bois joli The ferret of the pretty woods.
Il est passé par ici It passed by here,
Il repassera par là. It’ll pass again over there.

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Il court le Furet – kids