Si tu as de la joie au coeur

Si tu as de la joie au coeur

Si tu as de la joie au coeur

French Circles: Singing is an amazing way to improve your language learning.”Si tu as de la joie au coeur” is a beautiful song that can help children to learn and remember French vocabulary. Enjoy!

Lyrics: If you have joy in your heart

French English
Si tu as d’ la joie au cœur If you have joy in your heart
Chanson enfantine Children’s Song
Frappe des mains Clap your hands
Frappe des mains Clap your hands
Frappe des mains Clap your hands
Frappe des mains Clap your hands
Frappe du pied Stomp your feet
Frappe du pied Stomp your feet
Frappe du pied Stomp your feet
Frappe du pied Stomp your feet
Claque la langue Click your tongue
Claque la langue Click your tongue
Claque la langue Click your tongue
Claque la langue Click your tongue
Dis merci – merci Say thank you – thank you
Dis merci – merci Say thank you – thank you
Dis merci – merci Say thank you – thank you

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Si tu as de la joie au coeur

If you have joy in your heart