Tourne tourne petit moulin

Tourne tourne petit moulin

Tourne tourne petit moulin

Here in this song “Tourne tourne petit moulin” you will learn vocabulary about what it happens when the “petit moulin” moves. This video will help you enhance your French vocabulary in a fun and enjoyable way. Enjoy the video and learn a lot of French!

Lyrics: Turns turns little mill

French English
Tour ne, tour ne, petit moul in Turn, turn, small mill
Frappent, frappent, petites mains Clap, Clap, small hands
Vole, vole, petit oiseau Fly, fly, little bird
Nage, nage, poisson dans l’eau Swim, swim, fish in the water
Petit moulin a bien tourné Small mill has turned
Petites mains ont bien frappé Small hands were clapping
Petit oiseau a bien volé Little bird has flown
Petit poisson a bien nagé Small fish swim well

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Tourne tourne petit moulinTurns turns little mill

Engaging in this language learning experience will not only improve your pronunciation but also enrich your vocabulary in an enjoyable and unique manner. By immersing yourself in the video content, you’ll find a fun way to absorb the intricacies of French language and culture. Embrace the opportunity to learn and discover new aspects of the language, making your educational journey both entertaining and informative. So, sit back, enjoy the video, and let the French language unfold before you, offering a pathway to enhanced linguistic skills and cultural understanding.