Frère Jacques

Frère Jacques

Frère Jacques

French Circles: Singing is an amazing way to improve your language learning.”Frère Jacques” is a beautiful song that can help children to learn and remember French vocabulary.

Lyrics: Brother Jacques

French English
Frère Jacques (bis) Brother Jacques (bis)
Dormez-vous ? (bis) Are you sleeping? (Bis)
Sonnez les matines ! Sound mornings! (Bis)
(bis) Ding ! Daing ! Dong ! (bis) Ding! Daing! Dong! (Bis)

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Frère Jacques

Brother Jacques

Engaging in this language learning experience will not only improve your pronunciation but also enrich your vocabulary in an enjoyable and unique manner. By immersing yourself in the video content, you’ll find a fun way to absorb the intricacies of French language and culture. Embrace the opportunity to learn and discover new aspects of the language, making your educational journey both entertaining and informative. So, sit back, enjoy the video, and let the French language unfold before you, offering a pathway to enhanced linguistic skills and cultural understanding. As you delve into the video content, you’ll discover a fun way to absorb the intricacies of the French language and its culture. Seize the opportunity to learn and explore new facets of the language, making your educational journey both entertaining and informative. So, sit back, enjoy the video, and let the French language unfold before you, providing a path to improved linguistic skills and a deeper understanding of the culture. Happy learning!