Episode 7 La jumelle (Extra French)

La jumelle Episode 7 - Extra French

Episode 7 La jumelle (Extra French)

This Episode 7 La jumelle (Extra French) will help a lot in your pronunciation skills. This is the story of Bridget and Annie who share an apartment in France. Have a neighbour, Nico, who is in love with Sasha and Annie is in love with Nico. The series covers all the main programs of study and grammatical areas needed for success learning beginning French. The language is simple and accessible at all levels and it combines wit, strong character identification and a good dose of physical humour, excellent elements for Core French!


Extra French List

1. Episode 1:

  1. Intro:
    Intro (Script)
  2. Episode 1 Sam’s letter:
    La Lettre de Sam 
  3. Episode 1 Sam’s arrives:
    L’arrivée de Sam

2. Episode 2:
Sam fait du shopping (Script)
3. Episode 3:
Sam a un rendez-vous (Script)
4. Episode 4:
Sam trouve du travail
5. Episode 5:
Une étoile est née
6. Episode 6:
Le jour du loto (Script)
7. Episode 7:
La jumelle (Script)

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La jumelle Episode 7 - Extra French

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