Les pronoms objets

Les pronoms objets

Les pronoms objets

In French, object pronouns, les pronoms objets,  are used to replace nouns that are the direct or indirect objects in a sentence. These pronouns help avoid repetition and make the language more concise. Here are the main object pronouns in French:


Les pronoms objects DIRECTSClick here Les pronoms objects INDIRECTSClick here

Direct Object Pronouns:

  • me (me) – replaces the first person singular (je) as a direct object
  • te (you) – replaces the second person singular (tu) as a direct object
  • le (him, it – masculine) / la (her, it – feminine) – replaces the third person singular (il/elle) as a direct object
  • nous (us) – replaces the first person plural (nous) as a direct object
  • vous (you) – replaces the second person plural (vous) as a direct object
  • les (them – masculine or feminine) – replaces the third person plural (ils/elles) as a direct object


    • Je vois Pierre. (I see Pierre.)
    • Je le vois. (I see him.)

Indirect Object Pronouns:

  • me (to me) – replaces the first person singular (je) as an indirect object
  • te (to you) – replaces the second person singular (tu) as an indirect object
  • lui (to him, to her) – replaces the third person singular (il/elle) as an indirect object
  • nous (to us) – replaces the first person plural (nous) as an indirect object
  • vous (to you) – replaces the second person plural (vous) as an indirect object
  • leur (to them) – replaces the third person plural (ils/elles) as an indirect object


    • J’écris une lettre à Marie. (I am writing a letter to Marie.)
    • Je lui écris une lettre. (I am writing her a letter.)

Remember that the placement of these object pronouns can vary in French depending on the verb tense and structure.

They can go before the conjugated verb, attached to an infinitive or gerund, or placed after and connected with a hyphen when used with affirmative commands.

Practice Object pronouns here:


French English
J’ai deux chiens qui s’appellent Bijou et Joujou. Je les adore. I have two dogs named Bijou and Joujou. I love them.
Leur jouet favori est une vieille balle rouge. Their favorite toy is an old red ball.
Je leur lance la balle vingt ou trente fois par jour. I throw them the ball twenty or thirty times a day.
Mes chiens ne se fatiguent jamais. Ils courent et l’ attrapent. My dogs never get tired. They run and catch him.
Quelquefois la balle atterrit dans la rue. Alors je dois y aller et la ramasser. Sometimes the ball lands on the street. So I have to go and pick it up.
Il faudrait peut-être que j’achète une balle de plus. Nous en avons besoin. Maybe I should buy one more ball. We need it.
Comme ça, je pourrais lancer deux balles, une pour Bijou et une pour Joujou. Je leur donne beaucoup d’exercice, n’est-ce pas? Like that, I could throw two balls, one for Bijou and one for Joujou. I give them a lot of exercise, doesn’t it?
Qu’ en pensez-vous? What do you think?

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Les pronoms objets