Another 15 regular verbs

Another 15 regular verbs

Another 15 regular verbs

Master another 15 regular verbs in French! In this video, we dive into verbs like chanter, danser, nager, and more. Perfect for beginners looking to expand their vocabulary and improve their conjugation skills. Watch now to boost your French fluency!

Let’s practice Irregular verbs in this game:

Word search – Verbes irréguliersClick here

Here are another 15 regular French Verbs:

French English
ER Verbs
Chanter To sing
Danser To dance
Donner To give
Nager To swim
Rêver To dream
IR Verbs
Bâtir To build
Grossir To gain weight
Maigrir To lose weight
Nourir To feed
Viellir To grow old
RE Verbst
Attendre To wait
Défendre To defend
Fondre To melt
Rendre To return, to give back
Répondre To answer

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15 regular

Make sure to use them in sentences to get a good grasp of their conjugation. Additionally, try incorporating these verbs into your daily conversations and writing exercises. The more you use them, the more natural they will become. Happy learning, and remember, consistency is key to mastering a new language!