Another 15 irregular verbs
Here are another 15 irregular verbs in French. Learn and practice them and you will increase your French vocabulary. Enjoy! Irregular verbs can be tricky, but mastering them is essential for achieving fluency.
15 Verbes réguliersClick here | Word search – Verbes irréguliersClick here |
Here are another 15 irregular French Verbs:
French | English |
1.- Courrir | to run |
2.- Devenir | to become |
3.- Revenir | to come Back |
4.- Tenir | to hold |
5.- Recevoir | to receive |
6.- Apprendre | to learn |
7.- Comprendre | to understand |
8.- Lire | to read |
9.- Connaitre | to know |
10.- Mordre | to bite |
11.- Prendre | to take |
12.- Souffrir | to suffer |
13.- Sourire | to smile |
14.- Soutenir | to support |
15.- Vaincre | to overcome |
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