Another 15 irregular verbs

Another 15 irregular verbs

Another 15 irregular verbs

Here are another 15 irregular verbs in French. Learn and practice them and you will increase you French vocabulary. Enjoy!

15 Verbes réguliersClick here Word search – Verbes irréguliersClick here

Here are another 15 irregular French Verbs:

French English
  1. Courrir
  2. Devenir
  3. Revenir
  4. Tenir
  5. Recevoir
  6. Apprendre
  7. Comprendre
  8. Lire
  9. Connaitre
  10. Mordre
  11. Prendre
  12. Souffrir
  13. Sourire
  14. Soutenir
  15. Vaincre
  1. to run
  2. to become
  3. to come Back
  4. to hold
  5. to receive
  6. to learn
  7. to understand
  8. to read
  9. to know
  10. to bite
  11. to take
  12. to suffer
  13. to smile
  14. to support
  15. to overcome


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