Another 15 irregular verbs

Another 15 irregular verbs

Another 15 irregular verbs

Here are another 15 irregular verbs in French. Learn and practice them and you will increase your French vocabulary. Enjoy! Irregular verbs can be tricky, but mastering them is essential for achieving fluency.


15 Verbes réguliersClick here Word search – Verbes irréguliersClick here


Here are another 15 irregular French Verbs:

French English
1.- Courrir to run
2.- Devenir to become
3.- Revenir to come Back
4.- Tenir to hold
5.- Recevoir to receive
6.- Apprendre to learn
7.- Comprendre to understand
8.- Lire to read
9.- Connaitre to know
10.- Mordre to bite
11.- Prendre to take
12.- Souffrir to suffer
13.- Sourire to smile
14.- Soutenir to support
15.- Vaincre to overcome

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15 autres verbes irréguliers

Take your time to study their unique conjugations and patterns. To reinforce your learning, try using these verbs in various contexts, such as writing short stories, creating flashcards, or engaging in conversation practice with a language partner. By doing so, you will gain confidence and improve your overall language skills. Keep up the great work, and have fun on your journey to mastering French!