French verbs starting with a-b-c

French verbs starting with a-b-c - Grammar

French verbs starting with a-b-c

French verbs starting with a-b-c: verbs are words that express the subject’s action, existence, condition, or state. They are formed by the root or lexeme that is the part that does not vary and the morpheme ending or ending that indicates the person, number, time and mode of the conjugation of the verb. There are many types of verbs. The verb can indicate the main action.

List – verbs starting with a-b-c :

Nro French English
1 Accepter To accept
2 Accompagner To accompany
3 Acheter To buy
4 Adorer To adore
5 Aider To help
6 Aimer To love
7 Aller To go
8 Amener To Bring
9 Annoncer To announce
10 Apprécier To enjoy
11 Applaudir To clap
12 Apporter To bring
13 Arriver To arrive
14 Arrêter To stop
15 Attendre To wait
16 Bavarder To chat
17 Baisser To lower
18 Bâtir To build
19 Blaguer To joke
20 Bouger To move
21 Bouleverser To upset
22 Briser To break
23 Brûler To burn
24 Casser To break
25 Cesser To end
26 Chercher To search
27 Choisir To choose – your
28 Changer To change
29 Chanter To sing
30 Collectionner To collect
31 Commencer To start

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French verbs starting with a-b-c - Grammar

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