Sentences ER verbs present

Sentences ER verbs present

Sentences ER verbs present

Practice and learn French with these Sentences ER verbs present. For example: Manger, Parler, Regarder and more. Review them and you will enhance and expand your French Vocabulary skills and grammar as well. Enjoy!

Grammar: ER Verb Sentences in the Present Tense

French English
Nous jouons au tennis mais vous jouez au football.
To play
We play tennis but you play soccer.
Nous mangeons à la maison ou au restaurant.
To eat
We eat at home or at the restaurant.
Nous parlons Français à la maison.
To speak
We speak French at home.
Mes parents regardent la télévision dans le salon.
To watch
My parents watch television in the living room.
Ils travaillent dans le bureau
To work
They work in the study.
J’étudie dans ma chambre.
To study
I study in my bedroom.
Et j’écoute mes CD.
To listen
And I listen to my CD’s.
Mais je ne trouve pas mes cahiers.
To find
But I do not find my notebooks.

ER Verb Sentences in the Present Tense – Flashcards

You can also practice  these sentences with ER verbs using the flashcards in the following Quizlet and then feel free to use the different options from Quizlet, such us match, learn, test or spell.

Click to Learn ‘IR’ and ‘RE’ verbs indicative Present tense here:

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Sentences ER verbs present