French Letter Combinations

French Letter Combinations - Grammar

French Letter Combinations

French words don’t always look the way they sound. They may combine letters to make a new sound. In this post, “French Letter Combinations”, you will learn about certain French sounds that are made up of two or more letters that are pronounced together. Letters can be two vowels, two consonants, or one vowel and one consonant.

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In English



 using this combination

er, ez, ai, é “ay” in way jouer (to play)

montez (climb) 

lait (milk)

français (french)

au, eau “o” in nose au revoir (bye)

Sauce (sauce)

eau (water)

ou “oo” in room bonjour (hello)
eu, eux euh  deux (two)
oi “wha” in what bonsoir (good evening)
gn “ny” in canyon oignon (onion)

Letter Combination

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French Letter Combinations - Grammar


French words don’t always look the way they sound. They may combine letters to make a new sound. In this post, “French Letter Combinations”, you will learn about certain French sounds that are made up of two or more letters that are pronounced together. Letters can be two vowels, two consonants, or one vowel and one consonant.