The preposition “de”

The preposition “de”

Learn about the preposition “de”, it’s several meanings and various contexts. Learn how the preposition “de” can contract with definite articles and the forms of the contractions.

Short video : La preposición “de”

In French, the preposition “de” has several meanings :

From, of

Also it can be used in various contexts:

Possession, origin, Partitive article, cause, Comparisons, time and more….


In French, the preposition “de”  can contract.


The contractions are used to avoid consecutive vowel sounds, making the language flow more smoothly. 

de + le = du (masculine singular)

Je viens du marché

I come from the market.


de + les = des (masculine plural)

Elle vient des États-Unis.

She comes from the United States.


Note that we put “de l’ ” if the next word begins with a vowel

de + l’ = de l’ (no contraction)

Il vient de l’école 

He comes from the school.

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Grammar – La preposición “de”