French Adjectives Practice 1

French Adjectives Practice 1

French Adjectives Practice 1

Adjectives are words that describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence. There are many adjectives that we have in french used to describe: the characteristic of a person, a thing or a situation, a feeling or a temporary thing. Enjoy French Adjectives Practice 1!

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French adjectives – Flashcards

Grammar : French adjectives

French English
intelligent intelligent (m.s.)
intelligente intelligent (f.s.)
intelligents intelligent (m.p.)
intelligentes intelligent (f.p.)
curieux curious (m.s.)
curieuse curious (f.s.)
curieux curious (m.p.)
curieuses curious (f.p.)
responsable responsible (m.s. and f.s.)
responsables responsible (m.p. and f.p.)
actif active (m.s.)
active active (f.s.)
actifs active (m.p.)
actives active (f.p.)
canadien canadian (m.s.)
canadienne canadian (f.s.)
canadiens canadians (m.p.)
canadiennes canadians (f.p.)
français french (m.s.)
française french (f.s.)
français french (m.p.)
françaises french (f.p.)
fort strong (m.s.)
forte strong (f.s.)
forts strong (m.p.)
fortes strong (f.p.)
jumeau twin (m.s.)
jumelle twin (f.s.)
jumeaux twins (m.p.)
jumelles twins (f.p)
meilleur best (m.s.)
meilleure best (f.s.)
meilleurs best (m.p.)
meilleures best (f.p.)
infirmier nurse (m.s.)
infirmière nurse (f.s.)
infirmiers nurses (m.p.)
infirmières nurses (f.p.)
fameux famous (m.s.)
fameuse famous (f.s.)
fameux famous (m.p.)
fameuses famous (f.p.)
acteur actor (m.s.)
actrice actress (f.s.)
acteurs actors (m.p.)
actrices actresses (f.p.)
musicien musician (m.s.)
musicienne musician (f.s.)
musiciens musicians (m.p.)
musiciennes musicians (f.p.)
vendeur seller (m.s.)
vendeuse saleswoman (f.s.)
vendeurs sellers (m.p.)
vendeuses saleswomen (f.p.)
âgé old (m.s.)
âgée old (f.s.)
âgés old (m.p.)
âgées old (f.p.)
petit little (m.s.)
petite little (f.s.)
petits little (m.p.)
petites little (f.p.)

Do you want to practice adjectives in a dictation? Click here:

French Adjectives (Sentences)

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Grammar Level 5
Grammar Level 6
Grammar Level 7
Grammar Level 8

French Resources for Level 2:

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