15 Irregular French verbs practice
In this post, “Practice 15 Irregular French Verbs,” you will have the opportunity to practice conjugating 15 irregular French verbs. To enhance your learning experience, we recommend watching the accompanying video, which provides a detailed explanation of how to conjugate each of these verbs in various tenses. This interactive resource will help you improve your French skills and gain greater fluency in using these essential verbs. Enjoy the video and keep practicing to perfect your French!
15 verbes Réguliers (phrases)Click here | 15 verbes Réguliers (practice)Click here | Soupe de lettres Verbes irréguliersClick here |
Verbes irréguliersClick here | 15 verbes irréguliers (phrases)Click here | 15 verbes irréguliers (practice)Click here |
Here are 15 irregular French Verbs:
French | English |
Être | To be |
Aller | To go |
Avoir | To have |
Faire | To do |
Pouvoir | To be able, can |
Devoir | To have to, must |
Savoir | To know |
Vouloir | To want |
Voir | To see |
Boire | To drink |
Sortir | To go out |
Venir | To come |
Écrire | To write |
Dire | To say |
Mettre | To put |
Do you want to practice the conjugation of each one of these verbs : Click on the image):
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