French prepositions practice 2

French prepositions practice 2

French prepositions practice 2

Learn and practice French prepositions using the verb to go (Aller) and to come from (Venir) in past tense (passé composé) in this French prepositions practice 2. Click in the video and enjoy the practice.

Grammar : Les prépositions et le verbe Aller et Venir au passé composé

French English
1.- Je suis allé____ plage.  I went to the beach.
2.- Tu  es venue ____ bureau. You came from the office.
3.- Il  est allé ____ Afrique He went to Africa.
4.- Elle  est venue ____ Brampton She came from Brampton.
5.- Nous  sommes venus ____ Australie We came from Australia.
6.- Vous êtes allés ____ musée You went to the park.
7.-Ils sont venus ____ restaurant. They came from the restaurant.
8.-Elles sont allées ____ Espagne. They went to Spain.
9.-Je  suis venue ____  pâtisserie.  I came from the bakery.
10.-Tu es allé ____ musée.  You went to the museum.
11.-Elle  est allée ____  aéroport. She went to the airport.
12.-Nous sommes allées ____ Philippines. We went to the Philippines.
13.-Vous êtes venus ____ appartement You came from the apartment.
14.-Ils sont allés ____ Inde. They went to India.
15.-Elles sont venues ____ Pakistan. They came from Pakistan.

Test 2: Prepositions in  past tense (passé composé)

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French prepositions practice 2