Sentences with French verbs starting with a-b-c (Imparfait)
Sentences with French verbs starting with a-b-c (Imparfait): Understanding the parts of a sentence in French is essential to succeed in learning French. A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete idea.
Sentences with a-b-c (Imparfait) – Flashcards
Grammar : Sentences with French verbs starting with a-b-c (Imparfait)
French | English |
J’ acceptais les difficultés dans la vie avec patience. | I was accepting the difficulties of life with patience. |
Ma famille accompagnait notre grand-mère à sa maison. | My family use to accompany our grandmother at her house. |
Marie achetait le nouveau livre de J. K. Rowling. | Marie was buying the new book from J.K Rowling. |
Sarah adorait danser le jazz. | Sarah use to adore to dance jazz. |
Vous aidiez le professeur. | You were helping the professor. |
Jean et son ami Marc aimaient jouer les échecs. | John and his friend Marc use to love to play chess. |
Nous allions au cinéma en janvier | We use to go to the movie on January |
Janine et toi, vous ameniez vos amies au cinéma. | Janine and you, you use to bring your friends to the movie theatre. |
Le conseil scolaire de l’école annoncait une danse! | The school board was announcing a dance! |
Notre prof appréciait le chocolat. | Our teacher was enjoying the chocolate. |
Les spectateurs applaudissaient le but. | The spectators were claping for the goal. |
Les filles apportaient leurs sacs à dos à chaque class. | The girls were bringing their backpacks to each class. |
Le train arrivait à la station vers huit heures. | The train was arriving to the station around eight |
Le ministère d’éducation arretait la discussion. | The Ministry of Education use to stop the discussion. |
Nous attendions que le film commence. | We were waiting for the film to begin. |
Dans la classe de français les élèves bavardaient toujours. | In the French class the students were chatting forever |
Metro baissait les prix des fruits et des légumes. | Metro use to lower the prices of fruits and vegetables. |
La compagnie de construction bâtissait des écoles. | The construction company was buildings schools |
Jim Carrey est un comédien qui blaguait tout le temps. | Jim Carrey is an actor who use to joke all the time. |
Le léopard est un animal qui bougait silencieusement. | The leopard is an animal that uses to move silently. |
Les bébés bouleversaient toujours leur dîner. | The babies always use to upset dinner. |
La balle de baseball brisait la fenêtre des voisins | The baseball was breaking the neighbors’ window. |
Le bois du feu camp brûlait lentement. | The camp fire was burning slowly. |
Les grecques cassaient les assiettes pour la bonne fortune! | The Greek use to break dishes for good fortune! |
Le jeu cessait quand l’arbitre souffle. | The game use to end when the referee whistles. |
Jean-Luc cherchait toujours ses clefs quand il était en retard | Jean-Luc always use to search for his keys when he was late. |
Quel saveur de crème glacé choisissait -tu? | What flavor of ice cream you were choosing? |
Les filles changaient leurs idées chaque minute! | Girls use to change their ideas every minute! |
Céline Dion chantait en anglais et en français. | Celine Dion was singing in English and French. |
Les garçons collectionnaient les cartes de hockey. | Boys were collecting hockey cards. |
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