French Reflexive sentences

French reflexive sentences - Grammar

French Reflexive Sentences

Enhance your French skills by practicing reflexive verbs using these French Reflexive sentences! Perfect for beginners and intermediate learners, this video will help you understand and use reflexive verbs in everyday conversation. Watch now to boost your fluency!

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Grammar : French Reflexive sentences

Nro Vocab French English
1 Se réveiller
To wake up
Je me réveille à sept heures. I wake up at seven.
2 Se promener
To take a walk
Tu te promènes dans la rue. You walk in the street.
3 Se brosser
to brush
Il se brosse les dents. She brushes her teeth.
4 S’habiller
To get dressed
Elle s’habille rapidement. She dresses quickly.
He dresses quickly.
5 Se demander  
To ask yourself
Nous nous demandons: Quel jour est il? We ask ourselves: What day is it?
6 se souvenir
To remember
Vous vous souvenez de mon anniversaire? Do you remember my birthday?
7 Se peigner
To comb
Elles se peignent devant le miroir. They comb themselves in front of the mirror.
8 s’endormir
to fall asleep
Je m’endors devant la télé. I fall asleep in front of the TV.
9 s’approcher de
To approach
Il s’approche près d’elle. He approaches her.
10 se coucher
to go asleep
La fille se couche à dix heures du soir. The girl goes to bed at ten o’clock in the evening.

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Reflexive Verbs Dictation Practice

French Grammar Level 2 – List

1. French Reflexive verbs:
a) Only verbs: Verbes pronominaux (part 1) (part 2)
b) Sentences : Verbes pronominaux(Phrases)
c) Practice : Verbes pronominaux(Practice)
2. Word order for showing possession:
Ordre des mots pour montrer la possession
3. Adjectives:
a) Adjectives endings: Types of adjectives
b) Practice 1: Flashcard of important adjectives
c) Pactice 2: Choosing the right answer
d) Practice 3: 16 Sentences practice
a) Only verbs: Verbes irréguliers(verbes)
b) Sentences: 15 verbes irréguliers (phrases)
c) Practice: 15 verbes irréguliers (practice)
d) To be able to – To want – To have to – To know:
Pouvoir, Vouloir, Devoir et Savoir (Test)
5. Compound Past (The preterit):
a) Definition: Le Passé composé
b) Dr Mrs Vandertramp: Dr Mrs Vandertramp
c) Auxiliary to be or to have: Auxiliaire être ou avoir (Test)
d) Sentences ER verbs passé composé: Phrases ER verbes passé composé
e) Sentences IR verbs passé composé: Phrases IR verbes passé composé
f) Sentences RE verbs passé composé: Phrases RE verbes passé composé
6. Imperfect tense (L’imparfait):
a) Definition: L’imparfait
b) Imparfait practice 1: La maison de mon enfance
d) Sentences ER verbs imparfait: Phrases ER verbes imparfait
e) Sentences IR verbs imparfait: Phrases IR verbes imparfait
f) Sentences RE verbs imparfait: Phrases RE verbes imparfait
7. Prepositions: (verb to go and to come in passé composé):
Les prépositions et le verbe aller et venir au passé composé
8.French expressions with the verb to have (avoir):
Expressions françaises avec Avoir
9. 5 Most common French Grammar mistakes:
Les 5 erreurs de grammaire française les plus courantes
10. Quiz Game Level 2: Quiz

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Grammar Level 5
Grammar Level 6
Grammar Level 7
Grammar Level 8

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French reflexive sentences - Grammar

Phrases réfléchies en français