Sentences with ER verbs


Sentences with ER verbs

Practice and learn French with these sentences with ER verbs. Practice these sentences in the present tense, passé composé and imparfait. Review them and you will improve and expand your French vocabulary as well as your grammar. By reading and writing these sentences, you will develop skills that will help you strengthen your ability to understand various topics in French. In addition, by improving your ability to read and write in French, you will also develop your ability to communicate in this new language. Reading and writing in general help you absorb information, thus improving your French vocabulary. Did you know that the habit of reading and writing sentences helps beginning students convert new words and phrases they encounter in everyday conversations? That’s right, so get cracking and check out these videos.

To remember: in French there are three main groups of verbs: 1) Verbs with infinitive ending in -ER, 2) Verbs with infinitive ending in -IR and 3) Verbs with infinitive ending in -RE. Since -ER verbs are the most numerous, they are considered the first conjugation. Go ahead and start reviewing these verbs.

Practice ER Verbs here:

Do you want to practice Sentences with RE or IR verbs? Click on the button of your interest:

Practice RE Verbs here:

Practice IR Verbs here:

Sentences with ER verbs Frenchcircles


Practica y aprende francés con estas frases con verbos ER. Practica estas oraciones en tiempo presente, passé composé e imparfait. Revísalos y mejorarás y ampliarás tu vocabulario francés así como tu gramática. Al leer y escribir estas oraciones, desarrollarás habilidades que te ayudarán a fortalecer tu capacidad para comprender diversos temas en francés. Además, al mejorar tu capacidad de lectura y escritura en francés, también desarrollarás tu capacidad para comunicarte en este nuevo idioma.