French Adjectives Practice 2

French Adjectives Practice 2

French Adjectives Practice 2

Adjectives are words that describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence. There are many adjectives that we have in french used to describe: the characteristic of a person, a thing or a situation, a feeling or a temporary thing. In this video you are going to practice French adjectives by choosing the correct adjective from the options presented. Then you can check your answer immediately.  Enjoy French Adjectives Practice 2!

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French sentences with adjectives


Noémie a mis sa belle robe. 

Henri a acheté un vélo jaune.

Les élèves ont dessiné une grosse montagne.

Caroline mange une bonne  pomme.

J’ai trouvé une pierre précieuse.

Le bateau vogue sur la mer déchaînée.

Pierre est fâché.

Mes amies sont contentes.

Thomas conduit une voiture jaune.

Nous lisons un bon livre.

Noémie put on her beautiful dress.

Henri bought a yellow bicycle.

The students drew a big mountain.

Caroline eats a good apple.

I found a precious stone.

The boat sails on the raging sea.

Pierre is angry.

My friends are happy.

Thomas drives a yellow car.

We read a good book.

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French Adjectives (Sentences)

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French Adjectives Practice 2 French Adjectives Practice 2 French Adjectives Practice 2

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