French Reflexive verbs

French Reflexive verbs - French Grammar

French Reflexive verbs

French Reflexive verbs are actions that the subject is performing upon itself. They are always conjugated with the reflexive pronoun that agrees with the subject: me (myself), te (yourself), se (himself, herself, itself, themselves), nous (ourselves), and vous (yourself, yourselves). These pronouns generally precede the verb.

 Reflexive verbs

 Reflexive verbs  – Sentences

French reflexive verbsFrench test for Level 2

Present tense reflexive verbs conjugation

French English
S’appeler To call yourself
S’amuser To enjoy
Se brosser To brush
S’habiller To get dress
Se laver To wash
Se lever To get up
Se réveiller To wake up
Se coucher To go to bed
Se Sécher To dry
Se Dépêcher To hurry up
Se Peigner To comb
S’endormir To fall asleep
Se Souvenir  To remember
Se Demander To wonder
Se Doucher  To take a shower

Reflexive verbs list:

Reflexive verbs (only verbs)
Verbes pronominaux (verbes)

Vocab French English
1 Se réveiller

To wake up

Je me réveille à sept heures. I wake up at seven.
2 Se promener

To take a walk

Tu te promènes dans la rue. You walk in the street.
3 Se brosser

to brush

Il se brosse les dents. She brushes her teeth.
4 S’habiller

To get dressed

Elle s’habille rapidement. She dresses quickly.

He dresses quickly.

5 Se demander  

To ask yourself

Nous nous demandons: Quel jour est il? We ask ourselves: What day is it?
6 se souvenir

To remember

Vous vous souvenez de mon anniversaire? Do you remember my birthday?
7 Se peigner

To comb

Elles se peignent devant le miroir. They comb themselves in front of the mirror.
8 s’endormir

to fall asleep

Je m’endors devant la télé. I fall asleep in front of the TV.
9 s’approcher de

To approach

Il s’approche près d’elle. He approaches her.
10 se coucher

to go asleep

La fille se couche à dix heures du soir. The girl goes to bed at ten o’clock in the evening.

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Verbes réflexifs français