Learn and practice french with this conjugation “SE BROSSER Présent”:
The verb “To brush” is conjugated this way in present tense:
Le verbe Se brosser Présent se conjugue de la façon suivante:

Je me brosse, tu te brosses, il se brosse, elle se brosse, nous nous brossons, vous vous brossez, ils se brossent, elles se brossent.      

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To brush – Present Tense

French English
Je me brosse I brush myself
Tu te brosses You brush yourself (sing.)
Il se brosse He brushes himself
Elle se brosse She brushes herself
Nous nous brossons We brush ourselves
Vous vous brossez You brush yourselves (plur.)
Ils se brossent They brush themselves (masc.)
Elles se brossent They brush themselves (fem.)

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To brush

Leverage this opportunity to not only learn the conjugation patterns but also to understand how reflexive verbs function in everyday French. Immerse yourself in the linguistic journey of “SE BROSSER Présent,” and witness your proficiency in French blossom with each conjugated phrase.