DORMIR Futur simple

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DORMIR Futur simple

DORMIR Futur simple

Learn and practice french with this conjugation: DORMIR Futur simple.
The verb “To sleep” is conjugated this way in Future Simple tense:
Le verbe “Dormir Futur Simple” se conjugue de la façon suivante:

Je dormirai , tu dormiras, il dormira, elle dormira, nous dormirons, vous dormirez, ils dormiront, elles dormiront.

  To sleep – Futur simple Tense



Je dormirai
Tu dormiras
Il dormira
Elle dormira
Nous dormirons
Vous dormirez
Ils dormiront
Elles dormiront
I will sleep
You will sleep (sing.)
He will sleep
She will sleep
We will sleep
You’ll sleep (plur.)
They will sleep (masc.)
They will sleep (fem.)

Practice this verbs in Futur Simple using Quizlet:

Do you want to practice more French verbs in Future Simple?Click on the image of your interest:


To learn the French conjugation, you have to be both rigorous and meticulous: since, among other things, you have to learn the endings of each verb tense for all verbs and memorize the irregular verbs. To learn the French conjugation, you have to be both rigorous and meticulous: since, among other things, you have to learn the endings of each verb tense for all verbs and memorize the irregular verbs. To learn the French conjugation, you have to be both rigorous and meticulous: since, among other things, you have to learn the endings of each verb tense for all verbs and memorize the irregular verbs.

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