À l’école élémentaire

À l’école élémentaire

À l’école élémentaire – Dictation Practice

In this post French dictation:  À l’école élémentaire, you are going to practice French sentences in past, using the imperfect tense (l’imparfait). French dictations are a great way to improve your listening skills and also practice your French spelling.

Enjoy the practice!

Dictation : In elementary school

French English
1.- Quand tu étais à l’école élémentaire, où est-ce que tu habitais? When you were in elementary school, where did you live?
2.- Aimais – tu l’école? Did you like the school?
3.- Quel sujet aimais-tu le plus? Pourquoi? What subject did you like the most? Why?
4.- Lisais-tu beaucoup? Quel était ton livre préféré? Did you read a lot? What was your favorite book?
5.- Faisais-tu des sports? Lesquels? Did you do sports? Which ones?
6.- Aidais-tu tes professeurs? Did you help your teachers?
7.- Qui était ton professeur plus mémorable? Pourquoi? Who was your most memorable teacher? Why?
8.- Qui étaient tes ami(e)s les plus proches? Who were your closest friends?

More French dictation? Practice here:

Explore More French Dictation Levels: Click on the level of your interest:

  1. Dictations Level 1 
  2. Dictations Level 2
  3. Dictations Level 3
  4. Dictations Level 4
  5. Dictations Level 5

French Resources for Level 2:

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À l’école élémentaire


In elementary school