RE verbs imparfait dictation
Practice a French dictation in imperfect tense (imparfait) with the sentences in this post “RE verbs imparfait dictation”.
Dictation is an important activity which will enable you to improve your listening skills. Review these sentences with ER verbs and you will improve and expand your French vocabulary and grammar skills as well. Enjoy!
Dictation : Sentences with RE French verbs
French | English |
1. D’habitude, tu étais fatigué le lundi. | 1. You were usually tired on Mondays. |
2. Souvent, ils prenaient des vacances en été. | 2. They were often taking vacations in the summer. |
3. Ma sœur conduisait vite et mes frères conduisaient lentement. | 3. My sister used to drive fast and my brothers used to drive slow. |
4. Vous faisiez de l’exercice le lundi. | 4. You used to exercise on Mondays. |
5. Quand j’étais adolescent, je perdais mon temps. | 5. When I was a teenager, I used to waste my time. |
6. Mes cousins vendaient leurs articles de sport. | 6. My cousins were selling their sporting goods. |
7. Quand il était petit, il apprenait à marcher. | 7. When he was little, he was learning to walk. |
8. Pendant la réunion, elle répondait aux questions des participants. | 8. During the meeting, she was answering the questions of the participants. |
9. Nous attendions patiemment le bus sous la pluie. | 9. We were waiting patiently for the bus in the rain. |
10. Chaque soir, elles lisaient avant de dormir. | 10. Every evening, they used to read before going to sleep. |
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RE verbs imperfect tense dictation