Verbes en ER

Sentences with ER verbs Frenchcircles

Verbes en ER

There are three major groups of regular verbs in French: verbs with infinitives ending in -er, verbs with infinitives ending in -ir, and verbs with infinitives ending in -re. Since -er verbs (verbes en ER) are the most numerous, they are considered the first conjugation. To conjugate these verbs, drop the -er from the infinitive to form the stem. Next, add the -er endings to the stem.

Also practice part 1 or 2:

RE verbs phoneticPart 1 RE verbs phoneticPart 2

Verbes en ER –  Flashcards

To practice more ER verbs, review the flashcards in the following Quizlet and then use the different study modes like us match, learn, test or spell to continue practicing ER verbs.

Grammar : ER verbs

French English
Acheter To buy
Aider To help
Aimer To like /to love
Aller To go
Arrêter To stop
Changer To change
Chanter To sing
Chercher To look for
Danser To dance
Dîner To have dinner
Donner To give
Écouter To listen
Étudier To study
Expliquer To explain
Parler To speak
Penser To think
Pleurer To cry
Porter To wear
Regarder To watch
S’amuser To amuse yourself
S’appeler To call yourself
Travailler To work
Voyager To travel
Fêter To celebrate
Goûter To taste
Jouer To play
Manger To eat
Nager To swim
Oublier To forget

Conjugation of ER verbs

To conjugate a regular –er verb:

1) Drop the –er of the infinitive to get the stem.

2) Add the six present tense endings specific to –er verbs: -e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent.

Note: Pronunciation of il (he),and ils (they) is exactly the same (unless you have to link to words). The same pronunciation is apply to elle (she) and elles (they for fem.).

(to work)
(to love)
(to talk, to speak)
je travaille

tu travailles

il travaille

elle travaille

nous travaillons

vous travaillez

ils travaillent

elles travaillent


tu aimes

il aime

elle aime

nous aimons

vous aimez

ils aiment

elles aiment

Je parle 

tu parles

il parle

elle parle 

nous parlons

vous parlez

ils parlent

elles parlent

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  1. Grammar Level 1 
  2. Grammar Level 2
  3. Grammar Level 3
  4. Grammar Level 4
  5. Grammar Level 5
  6. Grammar Level 6
  7. Grammar Level 7

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Sentences with ER verbs Frenchcircles