La famille de Monsieur Brown

La famille de Monsieur Brown

La famille de Monsieur Brown

Hello and welcome to la famille de Monsieur Brown. In this post you will learn about M. Brown and his family and practice some vocabulary needed to describe, family members. Use this video to practice your pronunciation and your listening skills.
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Reading : Mr. Brown’s family

French English
C’est jeudi, le 19 juin. Il est deux heures de l’aprres midi. It is Thursday, January 17. It is eight o’clock in the evening.
M. Picard sonne à la porte chez M. Brown. La bonne ouvre la porte et dit: Entrez, monsieur. Passez au salon, s’il vous plaît. Mr. Picard rings the doorbell of Mr. Brown’s house. The maid opens the door and says: Come in, sir. Please go into the living room.
Dans le salon M. Brown est seul. Il attend M. Picard. Sa femme n’est pas avec lui au salon aujourd’hui.Elle est dans la chambre de leur fille Anne. Quand M. Picard arrive, M. Brown dit: Bonsoir. Comment allez-vous? In the living room Mr. Brown is alone. He is waiting for Mr. Picard. His wife is not with him in the living room today. She is in the room of their daughter Anne. When Mr. Picard arrives, Mr. Brown says: Good evening. How are you?
Comme ci, comme ça. Et vous? So so. And you?
Quant à moi, ça va très bien, mais ma fille Anne est malade. Elle est enrhumée. As for me, I’m fine, but my daughter Anne is ill. She has a cold.
J’en suis désolé. Avez-vous d’autres enfants? I’m very sorry to hear it. Have you any other children?
Oui. J’ai quatre enfants, deux garçons et deux filles.Nous sommes six dans notre famille. Yes. I have four children, two boys and two girls. There are six of us in our family.
Comment vos enfants s’appellent-ils? What are your children’s names?
Ils s’appellent Charles, Thomas, Elizabeth, et Anne. Their names are Charles, Thomas, Elizabeth, and Anne.
Quel âge ont-ils? How old are they?
Charles a dix ans. Il est l’aîné. Thomas a huit ans. Elizabeth a six ans.Anne est la cadette. Elle a cinq ans. Charles is ten years old. He is the oldest. Thomas is eight years old. Elizabeth is six years old. Anne is the youngest. She is five years old.
Ils vont tous à l’école excepté Anne. They all go to school except Anne.
Les deux messieurs bavardent un peu plus. Ensuite M. Brown invite M. Picard à visiter son bureau lundi prochain à midi et demi. M. Picard accepte l’invitation avec plaisir. The two gentlemen talk a while longer. Then Mr. Brown invites Mr. Picard to visit his office the following Monday at half past twelve. Mr. Picard accepts the invitation with pleasure.
À neuf heures M. Picard dit: À bientôt. At 9 o’clock Mr. Picard says, “See you soon.”
M. Brown répond: À lundi à midi et demi. Mr. Brown answers, “Until Monday at half past twelve.”

Questions : 

French English
Qui sonne à la porte? Who rings the doorbell?
Qui est-ce qui ouvre la porte? Who is it that opens the door?
Où est-ce que M. Brown attend M. Picard? Where does Mr Brown wait for Mr. Picard?
Qui est malade? Who is sick?
Est-elle enrhumée? Does she have a cold?
Combien d’enfants M. Brown a-t-il? How many children does Mr. Brown have?
Combien de personnes y a-t-il dans sa famille? How many people are there in his family?
Comment les enfants s’appellent-ils? What are the children named?
Quel âge a Charles? How old is Charles?
Les enfants vont-ils à l’école? Are the children in school?
Qui est-ce que (whom) l’homme d’affaires invite à visiter son bureau? Who does the businessman invite to visit his office?
Est-ce que le professeur accepte l’invitation? Does the teacher accept the invitation?

VIDEO QUIZ: La famille de Monsieur Brown

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La famille de Monsieur Brown