Reasons to Learn French

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Reasons to learn French

Reasons to Learn French

In this Post I will present you the 10 top reasons to learn French from Lya, a teacher from I really enjoy her reason, and you?

Here are the reason that se share with us:


10 top reasons to learn French
J’apprends la langue pour impressionner quelqu’un.

I am learning the language to impress someone.

C’est mon passe-temps.

It’s my hobby.

Cela fait partie de mes études universitaires.

It’s part of my university studies.

J’adore voyager!

I love traveling!

J’aimerais comprendre mes chansons, films et émissions de télévision préférés.

I want to understand my favorite songs, movies and TV shows.

La langue est utile pour mon travail.

The language is useful for my job.

J’adore la culture et les gens qui parlent la langue.

I love the culture and the people who speak the language.

Ma famille vient d’un endroit où on parle la langue.

My family comes from a place where the language is spoken.

Parce que j’aime la nourriture.

Because I like the food.


Please feel free to share your own reasons:

Reasons to learn French
Reasons to learn French