Tips for learning French

Tips for learning French - Tips and ideas - French Circles

Tips for learning French

In this post, Tips for learning French, you will receive 3 tips that can help you on your French journey. Number 1: Know your motivation, Number 2: Create a schedule, Number 3: Have fun with the language. Which one of these do you do? We recommend to practice the 3 of them and you will see how much you will improve. So, let’s do them!


Tips for learning French Conseils pour apprendre le français
#1: Know your motivation

Knowing why you are studying French is how you are going to enrich your learning process.

Having a good reason to learn  French is going to help you to stay motivated in the long-run.

#2: Create a schedule

Planning and organizing your time towards your goals is key.

it’s not enough to say you’re going to learn French within a period of time without adequately planning how you’ll get there.

Create a schedule, only for French, with your tasks and when you are going to complete them.

This will help you to see your progress day by day, so you will know exactly where to stand.

#3: Have fun with the language

Think of some fun ways to practice French. 

Put the language into a more useful everyday setting.

Practice French using games and apps.

to remember: 

1: Know your motivation

2: Create a schedule

3: Have fun with the language

# 1 : Connaître sa motivation

C’est en sachant pourquoi vous étudiez le français que vous allez enrichir votre processus d’apprentissage.

Avoir une bonne raison d’apprendre le français vous aidera à rester motivé sur le long terme.

# 2 : Créer un calendrier

Planifier et organiser votre temps pour atteindre vos objectifs est essentiel.

Il ne suffit pas de dire que vous allez apprendre le français dans un certain délai sans planifier adéquatement comment vous allez y arriver.

Créez un calendrier, uniquement pour le français, avec vos tâches et le moment où vous allez les accomplir.

Cela vous aidera à voir vos progrès jour après jour, et vous saurez exactement où vous en êtes.

#3 : S’amuser avec la langue

Pensez à des façons amusantes de pratiquer le français. 

Placez la langue dans un contexte quotidien plus utile.

Pratiquez le français à l’aide de jeux et d’applications.

pour vous en souvenir : 

1 : Connaître sa  motivation

2 : Créer un calendrier

3 : S’amuser avec la langue



Remembering specific words can be approached in several ways, depending on your learning style and preferences. Here are some strategies to help you remember words more effectively:

1. Use mnemonic devices: Create associations or memorable phrases that link the word with its meaning or context. Mnemonics can be especially helpful for remembering difficult or abstract words.

2. Repetition and practice: Regularly review and use the word in context to reinforce your memory. This could involve writing sentences using the word, saying it aloud, or using flashcards for quick recall.

3. Contextual learning: Learn words in context rather than in isolation. Reading books, articles, or other materials where the word is used naturally can help reinforce its meaning and usage.

4. Visual aids: Create visual representations of the word’s meaning through diagrams, images, or mind maps. Associating the word with a visual cue can aid in retention.

5. Word associations: Connect the new word with words you already know or with experiences you’ve had. This can help anchor the word in your memory through existing neural connections.

6. Use it in conversation: Engage in conversations where you can naturally incorporate the word. Using the word in real-life situations reinforces your memory and understanding of its meaning.

7. Chunking: Break down complex words into smaller, more manageable parts to make them easier to remember. Focus on learning prefixes, suffixes, or root words to understand the word’s structure and derive its meaning.

8. Spaced repetition: Space out your practice sessions over time to optimize memory retention. Review the word at increasing intervals, starting with more frequent reviews and gradually spacing them out as you become more familiar with the word.

9. Create personal connections: Relate the word to your personal experiences, emotions, or interests. Making the word meaningful to you can make it easier to remember.

10. Teach someone else: Explaining the word and its meaning to someone else can reinforce your own understanding and memory of it. Teaching requires you to engage with the word on a deeper level.

Experiment with these strategies to find what works best for you, and remember that consistency and patience are key to improving your vocabulary retention over time.

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Tips for learning French - Tips and ideas - French Circles