TA L4 M2

TA L4 M2

TA L4 M2

Test A pour le Niveau 4 (module 2)-TA L4 M2: Tests are important to learn a new language because they help you to practice and test yourself.  Before taking TA L1 M3 we suggest you to practice the conjugation of the following: verbs to be, to have do, to go, to dance, to go up, to play, to chose, to finish and the lessons of: Days of the week and Months of the year.

This test, TA L1 M3,  was made in order to evaluate your conjugation French skills for Level 4. Once you have completed the test please click on the submit button. Then just scroll up and you can check your mark and answers right away.

Let’s start test A pour le niveau 4


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Do you want to practice another french test? Click in the image of your interest.

TA L4 M2

Once you have completed the test please click on the submit button. Then just scroll up and you can check your mark and answers right away. You can’t re-do this test since this will be you final mark.

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