PARTIR – Conditionnel Présent

PARTIR - Conditionnel Présent

PARTIR – Conditionnel Présent

Learn and practice French with this conjugation “PARTIR – Conditionnel Présent”:
The verb “To leave” is conjugated this way in present conditional tense:
Le verbe Partir Conditionnel Présent se conjugue de la façon suivante:

Je partirais, tu partirais, il partirait, elle partirait, nous partirions, vous partiriez, ils partiraient, elles partiraient.

To leave – Present conditional Tense

French English
Je partirais I would leave
Tu partirais You would leave
Il partirait He would leave
Elle partirait She would leave
Nous partirions We would leave
Vous partiriez You would leave
Ils partiraient They would leave
Elles partiraient They would leave

Here some sentences with Manger:

French English
1.- Si j’avais le temps, je partirais en voyage autour du monde. 1.- If I had the time, I ‘d take a trip around the world.
2.- Vous partiriez sans hésiter si l’occasion se présentait. 2.- You’ d leave without hesitation if the opportunity came up.
3.- Elles partiraient en vacances si elles avaient assez d’argent. 3.- They’ d go on vacation if they had enough money.

Do you want to practice more French verbs in present conditional tense? Click on the image of your interest:

Do you want to practice another Resource? Click on the image of your interest:

PARTIR - Conditionnel Présent

To leave – Conjugation