Lara Fabian Sacha Distel Ces mots stupides

Lara Fabian Sacha Distel Ces mots stupides - French Songs

Lara Fabian Sacha Distel Ces mots stupides

The song “Lara Fabian Sacha Distel Ces mots stupides” will help you to improve your French. Sing this song whenever you want: Learn and Practice this beautiful song.

Sacha Distel was one of the top jazz guitarists and chanson singers in France. A prolific recording artist, Distel recorded more than 200 tunes including his biggest hit, “Scoubidou,” in 1958. In addition to appearing in several French films.

Lara Crokaert (born January 9, 1970), better known as Lara Fabian, is an Italian-Belgian.

She was born in Etterbeek, Brussels to a Belgian father and a Sicilian mother. Since 1996 she has also held a Canadian citizenship alongside her original Belgian citizenship.

Lyrics: Lara Fabian Sacha Distel Ces mots stupides

French English
Je sais que tôt ou tard I know that sooner or later
Tu voudras bien sortir un soir You’ll want to go out one night
En camarade, avec moi. As a comrade, with me.
J’essaierai d’être gai I’ll try to be cheerful
Pour te faire rire, mais je sais To make you laugh, but I know
Que je ne verrais que toi. I’ll only see you.
Et quand nous serons las d’avoir dansé And when we’re tired of dancing
Nous irons prendre un dernier verre, quand même. We’ll go for a nightcap anyway.
C’est là que je gâcherai tout… That’s when I’ll spoil it…
En te disant ces mots stupides: By saying those stupid words to you:
“Je t’aime!” “I love you!”
Et dans tes yeux je lirai And in your eyes I’ll read
Que j’ai trahi notre amitié That I’ve betrayed our friendship
Que je suis comme les autres. That I’m just like the others.
Bien vite je m’en irai Soon I’ll be gone
Sans même te dire que si je t’aime Without even telling you that if I love you
Ce n’est pas de ma faute. It’s not my fault.
Cela fait si longtemps It’s been so long
Que je suis là, le cœur battant, I’ve been here, my heart beating,
A ne plus penser qu’à toi. Thinking of nothing but you.
A guetter ton regard, Watching your eyes,
En espérant toujours y voir Always hoping to see
Un peu de tendresse pour moi. A little tenderness for me.
Mais… si à cet instant But… if at this moment
Très doucement je sens ta main Very gently I feel your hand
Se poser sur le mienne… On mine…
De joie, je crois, je pleurerai With joy, I think, I’ll cry
En répétant ces mots stupides: Repeating those silly words:
“Je t’aime!” “I love you!”
Mais… si à cet instant But… if at this moment
Très doucement, je sens ta main Very gently, I feel your hand
Se poser sur la mienne… On mine…
De joie, je crois, je pleurerai With joy, I think, I’ll cry
En répétant ces mots stupides: Repeating those silly words:
“Je t’aime! “I love you!
Je t’aime! “I love you!

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Lara Fabian Sacha Distel Ces mots stupides - French Songs