Mon nom est

Mon nom est

In this post, Mon nom est, my name is, you will practice the pronunciation to introduce yourself in French. You have a video and a quizlet for practicing this basic sentence. You can also review the flashcards from the quizlet and then continue with the practice using the other options such us match, learn, test or spell.


J’habite à ..I live in ..

French question: 



Mon nom est..
Salut! Mon nom est Manpreet
Bonjour! Mon nom est Maurice
Bonsoir! Mon nom est Ananya
Salut! Mon nom est Abdul

My name is…

Je suis…
Salut! Je suis Manpreet
Bonjour! Je suis Maurice
Bonsoir! Je suis Ananya
Salut! Je suis Abdul

I am …

Je m’appelle…
Salut! Je m’appelle Manpreet
Bonjour! Je m’appelle Maurice
Bonsoir! Je m’appelle Ananya
Salut! Je m’appelle Abdul

My name is…

Personal presentation (My name is) – Flashcard

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Mon nom est, my name is


Immerse yourself in a comprehensive learning experience that includes a video tutorial and a quizlet specifically curated to enhance your proficiency in articulating this fundamental sentence. Reinforce your understanding through flashcards within the quizlet, and seamlessly transition to diversified practice options such as match, learn, test, or spell. This multifaceted approach ensures a well-rounded mastery of expressing your nationality in French. Embrace the interactive elements offered, and watch as your ability to communicate this essential information in French becomes more polished and confident.