GAGNER Imparfait

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GAGNER Imparfait

GAGNER Imparfait

Learn and practice french with this conjugation “GAGNER Imparfait “:
The verb “To win” is conjugated this way in Imperfect tense:
Le verbe “Gagner Imparfait” se conjugue de la façon suivante:

Je gagnais, tu gagnais, il gagnait, elle gagnait, on gagnait, nous gagnions, vous gagniez, ils gagnaient, elles gagnaient.

          To win – Imparfait Tense



Je gagnais

Tu gagnais

Il gagnait

Elle gagnait

Nous gagnions

Vous gagniez

Ils gagnaient

Elles gagnaient

I won

You won (sing.)

He won

She won

We won

You won (plur.)

They won (masc.)

They won (fem.)

Practice this verbs in Imparfait using Quizlet:

Do you want to practice more French verbs in Imparfait? Click on the image of your interest:


To learn the French conjugation, you have to be both rigorous and meticulous: since, among other things, you have to learn the endings of each verb tense for all verbs and memorize the irregular verbs. To learn the French conjugation, you have to be both rigorous and meticulous: since, among other things, you have to learn the endings of each verb tense for all verbs and memorize the irregular verbs. To learn the French conjugation, you have to be both rigorous and meticulous: since, among other things, you have to learn the endings of each verb tense for all verbs and memorize the irregular verbs. To learn the French conjugation, you have to be both rigorous and meticulous: since, among other things, you have to learn the endings of each verb tense for all verbs and memorize the irregular verbs.


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