Regular -ER verbs List

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Regular -ER verbs List

French regular -ER verbs, by far the largest group of French verbs, share a conjugation pattern. Here are just a few of the most common regular -ER verbs: Read and learn this Regular -ER verbs list, that shares a conjugation pattern:

Pronoun Ending
Je -e
Tu -es
Il -e
Nous -ons
Vous -ez
Ils -ent

aider (to help)
aimer (to like, to love)
apporter (to bring)
arrêter (to stop)
arriver (to arrive, to happen)
changer (to change)
chanter (to sing)
chercher (to look for)
continuer (to continue)
coucher (to put to bed)
coûter (to cost)
décider (to decide)
danser (to dance)
demander (to ask for)
dépêcher (to hurry)
dépenser (to spend money)
détester (to hate)
dîner (to eat dinner)
donner (to give)
écouter (to listen to)
espérer (to hope)
enseigner (to teach)
entrer (to enter)
fermer (to close)
gagner (to earn or win)
goûter (to taste)
inquiéter (to worry)

inviter (to invite)
jouer (to play)
laver (to wash)
lever (to lift)
monter (to climb)
neiger (to snow)
oublier (to forget)
parler (to talk, to speak)
passer (to pass, spend, time)
penser (to think)
porter (to wear, to carry)
préparer (to prepare)
quitter (to leave)
raconter (to tell)
regarder (to watch, to look at)
rester (to stay)
retourner (to return)
réveiller (to wake up)
rêver (to dream)
sembler (to seem)
skier (to ski)
terminer (to finish)
travailler (to work)
trouver (to find)
visiter (to visit a place)
voyager (to travel)
voler (to fly, to steal)

Do you want to practice other Regular French verbs? Click on the image of your interest:

Regular -IR verbs List


Regular -RE verbs List


Do you want to practice another Resource? Click on the image of your interest:

Regular -ER verbs List - French Grammar
Regular -ER verbs List – French Grammar