Regular -RE verbs List

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Regular -RE verbs List

French regular -RE verbs, one of the group of French verbs. Here are just a few of the most common regular -RE verbs: Read and learn this Regular -RE verbs list. The verb form that ends in -RE is called the infinitive (in English, the infinitive is the verb preceded by the word “to”), and -RE is the infinitive ending. The verb with the infinitive ending removed is called the stem or radical. To conjugate -RE verbs, remove the infinitive ending to find the stem and add the endings in the table below:

Short video:

Pronoun Ending
Je -s
Tu -s
Il  –
Nous -ons
Vous -ez
Ils -ent

attendre: to wait (for)
défendre: to defend
descendre: to descend
entendre: to hear
étendre: to stretch
fondre: to melt
pendre: to hang, suspend
perdre: to lose
prétendre: to claim
rendre: to give back, return
répandre: to spread, scatter
répondre: to answer
vendre: to sell




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Regular -ER verbs List


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Regular -RE verbs List - French Grammar
Regular -RE verbs List – French Grammar