Pif le sapin

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Pif le sapin

Pif le sapin

In this post, you will practice the conversation: Pif le sapin-Pif the tree, where we will learn from Grandpa and how he planted his little tree that he grew up and called it after the name of the magazine he read back then.

Enjoy this conversation, watch the video and after you’ve watched, don’t forget to summarise what you heard out loud. Write down some key words and incorporate them in your summary. This helps to build your spoken French skills.

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– Tiens, François, on va le planter là ton arbre. Tu vas l’appeler comment ?

– Je ne sais pas… Géant peut-être… Il va devenir trèèèès grand ! Et toi Papy, Maman m’a dit que tu as eu un arbre aussi quand tu étais petit. Il vit encore ? Il est où?

 – Là où j’habitais avant, près d’une forêt. Il est immense maintenant. Il mesure 12 mètres. 

– Ah! Il est vieux, alors? Il s’appelle comment?

– Pif a 36 ans. J’avais 13 ans quand je l’ai planté. C’était une toute petite branche.

 – C’est drôle comme nom!

– C’est le nom du journal pour enfants que je lisais. Il n’existe plus, il s’est arrêté en 1993. Mais il était formidable. Chaque numéro contenait un gadget: par exemple un périscope ou un kaléidoscope à fabriquer… Et un jour, il y a eu une pousse de sapin dans un sac de plastique.

– Mais alors, il y a d’autres Pifs! Au total il y a eu 360 000 pousses de sapins ! Tous les enfants voulaient leur sapin. Et moi aussi j’en ai eu un. Mon papa m’a aidé à le planter et il s’est vite développé!

– Et les autres arbres? Tu sais où ils sont? Tu les as vus?

– C’est amusant ta question! J’ai eu la même idée que toi ! Un jour, en 1997, j’ai parlé de mon arbre dans un journal. J’ai dit aussi que je me demandais où étaient les autres Pifs, s’ils vivaient encore…

– Et alors Papy?

– Eh bien beaucoup de gens m’ont écrit… Comme ça, j’ai retrouvé 120 sapins. Ils sont un peu partout en France… Il y en a même au Canada, en Turquie… Je reçois des photos… Si tu veux, tu pourras lire les lettres avec leurs histoires.


– Here, François, we are going to plant your tree there. What are you going to call him?

– I don’t know … Giant maybe … He will become very big! And you Grandpa, Mom told me that you had a tree too when you were little. Is he still alive? Where is he?

 – Where I used to live before, near a forest. It is huge now. It measures 12 meters.

– Ah! Is he old then? What’s his name?

– Pif is 36 years old. I was 13 when I planted it. It was a very small branch.

 – It’s funny as a name!

– That’s the name of the children’s newspaper I was reading. It no longer exists, it stopped in 1993. But it was great. Each issue contained a gadget: for example a periscope or a kaleidoscope to be made … And one day, there was a sprout in a plastic bag.

– But then, there are other Pifs! In total there were 360,000 fir shoots! All the children wanted their tree. And I too had one. My dad helped me plant it and it grew fast!

– And the other trees? Do you know where they are? Have you seen them?

– It’s funny your question! I had the same idea as you! One day in 1997, I wrote about my tree in a newspaper. I also said that I was wondering where the other Pifs were, if they were still living …

– So then, Grandpa?

– Well a lot of people wrote to me … That way, I found 120 trees. They are all over France … There are even some in Canada, in Turkey … I receive photos … If you want, you can read the letters with their stories ..

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Pif le sapin


Pif the fir tree
