Le verbe Avoir et la Voyelle E

Le verbe Avoir et la Voyelle E-French dictation

Le verbe Avoir et la Voyelle E

Practice the pronunciation of “Le verbe Avoir et la Voyelle E” in French by learning to translate short sentences with the verb to have and the vowel E. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos.


The verb to have and the vowel “E” – flashcards

Dictation :  The verb Have and the Vowel E

French English
J’ai un frère qui habite à Mississauga. I have a brother who lives in Mississauga.
Tu as une soeur très gentille. You have a very kind sister.
Monsieur Gauthier a une belle écharpe. M. Gauthier has a beautiful scarf.
Melody a un joli bracelet. Melody has a nice bracelet.
Nous avons deux pièces au deuxième étage. We have two rooms on the second floor.
Marie et moi avons des lunettes de soleil. Marie and I have sunglasses.
Vous avez des devoirs ce soir. You have homework tonight.
Pierre et toi avez des petits cahiers. Pierre and you have small notebooks.
Ils ont les yeux bleus. They (m) have blue eyes.
Elles ont mal à la tête. They (f) have a headache.
Cette cuisine a une fenêtre. This kitchen has a window.
La maison a sept escaliers. This house has seven steps.

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Le verbe Avoir et la Voyelle E

I have a brother who lives in Mississauga, You have a very kind sister, M. Gauthier has a beautiful scarf, Melody has a nice bracelet, We have two rooms on the second floor.